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Takeaways from AREAA Vancouver 2014 Luxury Real Estate Conference

Written By:  Raj Qsar

Leaving the comforts of Orange County have never really been to easy for me.  I am a creature of habit.  Not sure when that started or why it started but it just did.  Personally, I would rather vacation at The Montage in Laguna Beach than fly to some 5 star resort in the Caribbean.  But, this trip for me to Vancouver was just full of memories that I will keep with me for a long time.

The Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) is a nonprofit professional trade organization dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in Asian American communities by creating a powerful national voice for housing and real estate professionals that serve this dynamic market.

I had the opportunity to be invited to speak at AREAA Vancouver this past week and this conference had a heavy luxury presence and a heavy international presence.  And I had the opportunity to take away a few gems and here they are:

1.  “The market goes up & down but SERVICE lives forever.”  This quote was by my friend Nobu Hata, Director of Digital Engagement for The National Association of Realtors.  And this is so very true!  More than ever we are living “in the moment.”  We, as Realtors are expected to reply at a moments notice at all times of the day.  And we do.  Its just in our DNA to provide this level of exceptional care & attention and when it is executed our clients will continue to look to us for support.

2.  “Give your clients something they can NOT google.”  Once again Nobu is on a roll here.  This really resonated with me because saying “just google it” is totally acceptable in our culture now.  But if you are able to give your heart & soul to your clients and provide amazing knowledge & service (not found on Google) you will earn the trust of your clients.

3.  Think Globally Locally.  Love love love this from my friend Teri Conrad!  You really need to understand not only worldwide economies but also worldwide customs.  For example, the way you accept a card from a potential client, what you do with the card and where you put it after you have read it.   This was truly eye opening for me.  Having your website in multiple languages, having a country code on your cell number or office number and incorporating this into all the things yo do.  This matters!

4.  Destination Marketing.  As agents we are required to do so much.  Know so much.  And execute so much.  What we as agents have to do is beyond the upper limits of what is possible in this day & age.  So…..what if you had a team of creatives that could take care of all the creative work for you on your luxury listing?  What if this group of creatives could fly anywhere in the world to do all the super-smart thinking for you and then assist on the digital push out to all channels and add your smiley happy face on the marketing content?   I…LOVE…IT!  Please check this out —>  HaleAlii

5.  Competitive Immunity.  This little nugget of inspiration hit me while I was on MobileAgentTV with my friends Michael Thorne, Teri Conrad & Tony Joe.  By doing the little things each & every day and doing them at a level that exceeds 99.9% of other agents in your Global Hyperlocal Market you will be successful and your clients will love you.

Conference Website

AREAA Agenda

AREAA Speakers

Live from AREAA Vancouver 2014


Live from AREAA Vancouver | Tuesday June 17th at 6pm PST

Tuesday June 17th at 6pm PST catch Raj QsarTeri Conrad, Tony Joe & host Michael Thorne for a LIVE episode of Mobile Agent TV right from AREAA Vancouver Luxury Real Estate Conference. This will be EPIC! Watch the show at www.MobileAgentTV.com and follow on Twitter #MATVlive


AREAA Vancouver

The Digital ROI in Real Estate According to Raj Qsar

An Interview with Raj Qsar Posted by Farah Ahmed with Docusign

June 3, 2014

The Boutique Real Estate Group


An evangelist for digital and social media, Raj Qsar embodies the future of real estate. After 18 years of successful leadership in the industry, Raj strives to inspire realtors to embrace the digital wave. As owner and broker of The Boutique Real Estate Group, he was recognized as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders for 2013 by Inman News. Beta Brokerage also highlighted The Boutique Real Estate Group among the 2014 Next Generation Real Estate Brokerages.

We recently chatted with Raj to discover how Digital Transaction Management (DTM) and mobile impact ROI and customer experience.

Let’s talk about ROI. How does DTM and subsequent mobile integrations impact your business results?

To start, we extend our tech savvy to both clients and employees. Digital forms are the foundation of everyone’s experience. DTM molds perfectly to our culture!

I do relish the peace-of-mind afforded by DocuSign for Mobile. With the ability to belocation-independent: you carry your business wherever you go. Successful realtors understand that business runs on the fly, 24/7. With DTM and mobile, we can connect and share relevant information through a single streamlined system.

Thankfully, DTM also minimizes loose e-mail threads and phone calls since everyone involved in the transaction is actually involved in the workflow. Now that is peace-of-mind in action!

How are your customers reacting to DTM?

Digital business has been revolutionary for all parties, but particularly for clients. Previously, closing deals forced endless time and travel that infringed upon everyone’s valuable time. Before realtors had to trek 25 miles round-trip just to sign a single document, and then scan and e-mail the same document to other parties involved in the transaction. DTM has since stripped away this insanity.

Furthermore, it’s a purely intuitive function that anyone can use. Here’s a wild story: I had an offer for a property needing signature. I left a phone message with a client and indicated that we’d discuss and DocuSign later. A short while later, I return to find the offer DocuSigned and ready to go. I was utterly baffled; my client was 85 years old. Apparently, she went online and downloaded DocuSign herself to sign the offer letter. It was just that easy!

How do you see DTM influencing real estate professionals?

In order to be a leader in this industry, real estate professionals have to digitize the experience for both their clients and their teams. They will quickly see the value in social media and communicating with their clients on Twitter or Facebook.

Specifically to DocuSign, the Transaction Rooms will soon be a standard for realtors in managing a fast-paced, transparent and results-oriented practice. It’s quick to integrate and train employees, and it’s a natural boon to customers.

DTM reinforces our values. Clients come first and foremost, and with DTM and mobile we respect their time. For those without DTM, ask yourself “why should your clients run around for you?”

The answer is clear: no one should run around, especially clients.

Looking to the near future, what trends do you think realtors and brokers should keep in mind?

I definitely have three in mind:

  1. Location Independence – Regardless of location, both clients and realtors should have the opportunity to square away business with their feet in the sand and a mobile device in their lap. Likewise, clients have busy lives that stress the importance of mobility. Paper should not dictate clients’ schedules.
  2. Transaction Transparency – Everyone involved in the transaction should be involved in the document workflow. It is vital to loop in everyone from lenders, home inspectors all the way to escrow and home insurance. There is no reason to send countless e-mails that are stuffed with PDFs when you can invite everyone to a single transaction.
  3. Increased Compliance – Instant audit trails enable clean compliance, which is truly imperative as regulations become more stringent. For California, it is essential that all transaction documents are transparent and audit-friendly in order to comply with RE540.

Many thanks to Raj for sharing his snapshot of a fully digital Real Estate group! We hope it inspires realtors consider DTM and learn about DocuSign for Mobile.

How do you think DTM is impacting the real estate industry? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Don’t hesitate to connect with Raj on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, and YouTube

Check out Boutique Real Estate Group to learn more!

Link back to original article here.

The Digital Age of Real Estate | Raj Qsar | The Boutique Real Estate Group

Episode 44: Raj Qsar: How to digitize & “Boutique-ify” your Real Estate business.

What does it take to be a Real Estate Rockstar? Join us as Raj shares his realtor mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a “boutique-ified” Real Estate Rockstar.

Leadership, passion, strategy, and execution are the keys to success according to Raj Qsar. Raj has started The Boutique Real Estate Group in Orange County, California. It is his vision that effective marketing of residential Real Estate be, by nature, complex. Each listing they receive is assigned a best-in-class sales & marketing campaign, and it then receives industry-leading marketing, advertising, social media, interior design, and graphics/design. Each of these pieces come together to create a customized marketing plan for each client and each property. When you partner best-in-class sales & marketing with a digital Real Estate experience, you have one of the most sophisticated, strategic companies in the Real Estate industry. Join us to learn how Raj Qsar and The Boutique Real Estate Group are turning heads everywhere they go!

Raj Qsar |HibanDigital | Real Estate Rockstar


Real Estate AH-HA Moment

  • When Raj first entered the world of Real Estate he tried to do it all. From the fancy camera, to video, to social media, and even staging, Raj was a one-person show. He realized that in order to scale his business he needed to hire others that were experts in their field. His first hire was a graphic designer, Listen in to hear what happened next.

The Boutique Real Estate Group

  • “We are a tech start-up who happens to be passionate about people, and we happen to sell homes” Check our their website to see for yourself just how cutting-edge they are: http://www.theboutiquere.com

In this Episode, We Also Talk About:

  • How to become publicly recognized.
  • How to start a business.
  • Change the way you market a home.
  • How to find that “one shot” of a home.
  • How to learn and then tell the story of the home.
  • How to specialize in Pinterest.
  • How to take your business digital.
  • How to market a home for social media outlets.
  • Plus so much more!

Thank Raj on Twitter

If you enjoyed this interview and would like to show Raj some love for coming on the show, you can do so easily by clicking on the link below!

Click here to tweet-thank Raj


Thanks for Rocking Out

Thank you for tuning in to Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars, we appreciate you!

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Reviews on iTunes are extremely helpful and  appreciated! We read each and every one of them, please feel free to leave your email so that we can personally reach out and say thanks!

Have any questions? Tweet meFacebook me, or call 410.750.6746, and ask Pat anything. Then head on over to Bare Naked Agent for his answers, and advice.

Thanks, and keep rockin!

Upgrading The Real Estate Experience | 3 Tech Tips from Raj Qsar

This week, we have a guest post from Raj Qsar, principal and owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group in Orange County, CA,  a contributor for Inman News, and one of the Top 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders for 2013. His company is one of the most dominant real estate firms in Orange County. They focus heavily on utilizing technology to provide more complete and convenient service to all of their customers. 



Digitize the Real Estate Experience

We had out “ah-ha” moment back in 2008 as technology and social media found Real Estate. We knew there had to be a better way of not only marketing residential real estate but there also had to be a better way of managing the mountain of paperwork and people involved in a real estate transaction.  So in a sense our team has digitized the real estate experience.

Do not get me wrong….We are not robots.  We still care, are empathetic and truly love our clients.  And because of this love and passion for our clients you will never find our clients running to a fax machine and most likely never even pick up a pen to sign anything. We are a 99% paperless office.  Our agents & staff are completely mobile and can run an entire real estate transaction from our iPads and iPhones.

Our technology does not require our clients to be tech savvy – it only requires our agents to understand the benefits of technology and to implement that technology with our clients.  Our commitment to technology has even allowed us to bring in an in-house Chief Technology Officer, Jeremy Lehman, who can train our agents and enable them to provide this luxury service to our clients.

Connect More Intimately With Clients

The world is now on the web – advances in technology are changing the way businesses interact with clients and we understand this process.  People are on their smartphones, heads down and focused.  The next time you are in line at your local coffee shop just look around.  Everyone will be head down and in their phone checking emails, scrolling through a news feed on a social platform or just listening to music.  We know we need to be where our clients are, so we can be at the forefront of their minds, and more importantly, not forgotten.

Our clients are on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linked In, Pinterest, Twitter and Four Square. However, the Facebook user is different than the Linked In user, who is totally different than the individual on Instagram.

Learn more about social media for real estate marketing here.

The Facebook user is more likely to be someone you know so the posts there are geared more like a friend to friend discussion and allows for a targeted ad campaign.  The posts on Twitter are 140 characters so its “in & out” with a specific message to an audience.  Instagram is one of our favorites and allows a more intimate connection. Newer platforms likeRESAAS allow us to engage with an international audience of real estate professionals.  You will see that our content strategy is different depending on the platform, who we are trying to reach, and what message we are trying to push.

Streamline the Process

When it comes to in-transaction management the mountain of paperwork that needs to happen is insane.  You have buyers, sellers, lender, escrow, title, transaction coordinators, home inspectors, termite inspectors and many others who are involved someway or somehow in your transaction.  They all have their paperwork and it all needs to be reviewed, understood and communicated to everyone in the transaction.

How do we create our paperwork?  What do we create it on?  How do we eSign? How do we store this info?  How do we share it with everyone?  This is the beauty of technology: our ability to create a REAL estate experience like no other with our clients and co-operating brokers.

This is real estate’s new normal for communicating and engaging with our clients to create a streamlined, easy to use & understand process.  It did not happen overnight but required dedication, time, and resources devoted to tech to make it happen.

Technology allows us to be a smart office, engage with our clients in positive manner and allow us to create an experience that is evergreen.

You can connect with us at www.theboutiquere.com.

If you’re interested in learning more about Raj, check out our From the Trenches interview with him. 

You can find Raj on FacebookTwitterLinked In, and Pinterest.

AREAA Vancouver | Luxury Real Estate Conference

AREAA Vancover 2014


• NETWORK with hundreds of global industry leaders, practitioners from across North America.
• Enhance your understanding of LUXURY INVESTMENT STRATEGIES and advancements in TECHNOLOGIES.
• CONNECT with AREAA members and investors looking for real estate in Vancouver and across Canada.
• Participate in luxury real estate and technology sessions featuring industry leaders from AREAA, NAR and national brokerages.

Ivan P. Choi – Chairman of AREAA
Nobu Hata – Director for NAR
Kelly Deck – Director for Kelly Deck Design
Ian MacLeod – President of LuxuryHomes.com
Tina Mak – President of AREAA Vancouver
Raj Qsar – Owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group
Janet Case – CEO of Proxio
Kathy Tsao – Manhattan Broker Douglas Elliman


Tuesday, June 17, 2014 – 8 am – 6 pm
At the Fairmont Pacific Rim, Vancouver BC
1038 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 0B9, Canada
Fairmont Pacific Rim Vancouver Hotel Rooms available
Buy tickets at areaavancouver.com

AREAA Vancover 2014

Agent Reboot | Orange County | Anaheim Convention Center

The Boutique Real Estate Group will be headed to The Anaheim Convention Center today to get their tech, mobile, social & networking on.  Hosted by Inman News, Agent Reboot is a full day of all things Real Estate and includes some of the most notable names in the industry.

Click here for todays schedule.

The Orange County Ambassadors include:  Christopher Pak, Ryan KlusmeyerMelissa Sims from The Boutique Real Estate Group and Carol Farar, Stacey Smith and Hilda Ramirez.

Catch some amazing speakers as well, including Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles Star, Josh Flagg.

Agent Reboot OC

11910 Lone Peak Dr | Rancho Cucamonga | Ca 91739

11910 LONE PEAK DRIVE is a Gorgeous Executive Pool Home in the heart of Rancho Cucamonga. Located In a Peaceful Neighborhood This Home Boasts 3,107 square feet of Living Space with 4 Bedrooms + Bonus Room + Office, 3 Full Bathrooms and Full Solar Power.  Gourmet Chef’s Kitchen with Solid Surface Quartz Countertops, Stainless Steel Professional Grade Appliances & Center Island with Breakfast Bar.  Beautiful Artisan Laid Custom Floors Downstairs with Coordinating Upgraded Carpet & Custom Paint Throughout.  Open Concept Floorplan with Kitchen Flowing into an Oversized Family Room with Fireplace and Custom Media Built-Ins, Downstairs Office and Full Bath, Formal Dining Room & Expanded Living Room.  All Four Oversized Bedrooms & Bonus Room are upstairs and each includes plantation shutters and ceiling fans.  Master Bedroom Features Vaulted Ceilings, Plantation Shutters and Large Master Bathroom with Dual Vanities, Stand-Up Shower and Soaking Tub.  Professionally Landscaped with Salt Water Pool, Spa, Waterfall, Outdoor Kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances, Grassy Area & plenty of room to entertain.  Two Car Attached Garage with plenty of room for storage. Home to The New Los Osos High School and Close to Victoria Gardens Shopping Center, Restaurants and Movies.  No HOA and No Mello Roos.

Watch The HD Video Here

Pinch, Zoom & Spin the 360 HD V-Tour Here

Gorgeous Executive Pool Home in Rancho Cucamonga

Gorgeous Executive Pool Home in Rancho Cucamonga

Paradise in Newport Beach | Coming Soon | Presented by Melissa Sims

This home boasts nearly 2500 square feet of luxurious upgrades, including hand scraped hardwood flooring, custom iron staircase, custom built-ins, completely remodeled kitchen with custom cabinetry,  professionally designed and remodeled bathrooms, automatic roller window shades in the kitchen, three outdoor patios, gorgeous landscaping with new landscape lighting – all on a quiet cul-de-sac in a gated community.  The ground-level master suite offers a large walk-in closet with built-in cabinetry, an electric fireplace for those chilly nights and an amazing shower retreat.  Two additional bedrooms on the upper floor, along with a loft and a built-in entertainment center, add appeal to this already amazing home.  In addition, the 2-car garage has a built-in workstation and ample cabinetry for storage. Association pools, tennis courts and club house.   For a private showing please call Melissa Sims at 714-616-6442.

The Boutique Real Estate group


$20,0000,000 Home In Yorba Linda | 5005 Hidden Glen Ln | Yorba Linda, Ca 92887

Everyone always asks?  Who owns that big old white house on the hill in Yorba Linda?  How much is it worth?  Well, that home, 5005 Hidden Glen Ln has just hit the open market at a staggering $20,000,000.00.  This home has 9 Bedrooms, 12 Bathrooms, and is over 19,000 square feet in size on over a 1 acre parcel of land at the very heights of Yorba Linda.  If you do the math that is $1,033.81 per square foot.

Here is the MLS description from the listing agents on this home:

One of the Most Iconic and Famous Homes in the City of Yorba Linda, CA, known as the Satsang has just been released for sale. This architectural masterpiece visually soars from the 91 FWY & is perched among the highest elevation in the Hidden Hills Estates and boasts Amazing 270 Degree Panoramic Views of Yorba Linda and Catalina Island. The Steel & Glass Panel Construction and Massive 19,346 Square Feet Interior Structure make it one of California’s Most Unique and Stunning Homes. The estate is entirely energy efficient with over eighty solar panels and additional features include an Elegant Ball Room and Center Stage, Enormous Indoor Pool, Fitness Center, Jetted Spa, Sauna, Steam Room, Private Elevator, 12 Seat Theater Room, Coffee & Tea Bar Area & Much More! The exterior grounds are like a Private Resort complete with its own Basketball and Tennis Sport Courts. The Grand Courtyard and Free Flowing Patio Areas can easily entertain several hundred guests with Lush Palm Trees, Manicured Green Grass, Enchanting Water Fountain and relaxing Gazebo. Guests will be able to view the nightly fireworks displays from Disneyland. This One Of A Kind Estate is Incredibly Secluded, Private and Conveniently Located near OC Freeways to make it easily accessible.

5005 Hidden Glen Lane, Yorba Linda, Ca 92887


For a private showing of this unique home please call Raj Qsar at 714-412-5019 or email Raj@TheBoutiqueRE.com