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Raj Qsar on the state of the luxury market: ‘It’s on fire’

The owner and CEO of The Boutique Real Estate Group in Orange County has seen a significant shift in buyer attitudes since the onset of the pandemic

This spring has been an exceptionally tumultuous one for the luxury market â€” a pandemic, an initial fear of a market crash and, later, a boom of affluent buyers looking to spend big money on homes in places like Orange County and the Hamptons.

Raj Qsar

Raj Qsar, the owner and CEO of The Boutique Real Estate Group, has been at the forefront of that ride through the unknown. His brokerage, which works with homes from $2 million to upwards of $10 million in Orange County, California, has seen a direct shift in buyer attitudes — from fear and hesitation when the pandemic first hit in March to a present-day focus on finding a home that can be a long-term source of shelter and enjoyment. Money is going toward not just primary and vacation home markets but also home improvements aimed at making a home a personal haven.

“Many dual-income millennials who are making decent money have really changed their perspective,” Qsar told Inman, adding that size and amenities are the hottest trends in real estate. “You can see a definite mindset shift. They’re really coming in and not buying that tiny shack with room for one bed. They want a single-family home with a front yard and a backyard.”

We’ve interviewed Qsar about what his buyers are asking for and how that could shape the future of luxury real estate for years to come.

Inman News: What’s been happening in the Orange County luxury world during the last few weeks?

Raj Qsar: We’ve definitely seen a change in the luxury market. You could even say it’s on fire. It’s picked up a lot, at all price points — $1-$5M, $5-$10M and $10M and up. Buyers and sellers are definitely both in the market. There was a pause at the beginning of the virus just because no one knew what was going to happen. The last two weeks of March were definitely interesting but then things slowly started picking up. In the blink of an eye, the market was back. It’s now the strongest it’s ever been, really.

Is that due to pent-up demand, springtime buyer interest or a combination of both?

We keep hearing about pent-up demand from every news channel. I think there’s a little bit of truth to that but I think that people also, after going through what the country went through and spending so much time locked up inside, just want a nice place. Home offices were gone and now everyone wants a home office again. They’re working from home and want a place to be when the kids are all over. The secondary housing market is strong too because people want a place that they can escape to.

So the initial fear of the pandemic prompting a housing crash has been far from your experience?

That’s right. They’ve been saying that the market is going to crash and that we’re going to go into a recession for the last four or five years. The exact opposite is happening, actually. The market is stronger than ever, and people want to spend money on real estate. The first couple of weeks were a little bit scary, but I really do feel like people want to spend and they want to spend it on their house.

What are some other things that luxury buyers are asking you about?

Pools are back in, outdoor kitchens, outdoor barbecues — anything outdoors. People are putting money into their homes, upgrading with really nice high-end appliances, things like that. Owners want to love their house and everything about it. A lot of stuff that was being put off, like adding another bedroom or bathroom, is back. People are doing whatever they wanted to do.

You’ve observed a big change in buyer priorities?

Yes. Many dual-income millennials who are making decent money have really changed their perspective. You can see a definite mindset shift. They’re really coming in and not buying that tiny shack with room for one bed. They want a single-family home with a front yard and a backyard. All the stuff that wasn’t important has become important again.

Could these buyer preferences alter how future houses are built for years to come?

I think so. There’s definitely a shift in the whole indoor/outdoor space. People want the inside to feel like the outside and the outside to feel like the inside. Living rooms, cabanas, TVs — the stuff that we’re seeing right now is jaw-dropping. The stuff people are doing to their houses, it’s like going to a beach party in Vegas. We’re just a few months into the virus, but the aftermath of it is going to be years and years. People are always going to remember 2020 and being locked up at home. That will influence what they want in their homes.


How To Market, Sell, and Recruit in “The New Normal”

Raj Qsar and Rachel Holder join Chris Smith & Jimmy Mackin on their latest #WaterCooler roundtable discussion, as they discuss the specific tactics and strategies they are using to navigate “the new normal.”

The best agents are focusing on how to market, sell, and recruit during these unprecedented times. Find out exactly what they are doing day in and day out to stay productive and keep their teams motivated.

10 Questions with Raj Qsar

With so much panic and uncertainty in the world today, I figured there was no better person to interview for this week’s 10 Questions series than my good friend, Raj Qsar. Raj is the owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group based in Orange County, CA. Not only is Raj one of the leading minds in real estate innovation, but he’s not too proud to share everything he knows with the industry he loves to challenge us all to find new ways of doing things. His marketing is a step above the rest (just check out one of his videos) and when it comes to just about anything – I know Raj not only has everyone’s best interests at heart but delivers with a laugh and a smile. Get to know more about Raj here.

With a new “smart” something coming out almost every day, what products amaze and astound you?


I am pretty sure you know my answer to this… TikTok. It is not just a dancing app where you are being silly. It truly is addictive. And the skills an individual can learn from mastering the app will carry on for years to come. What you can simply do on TikTok used to take a team of five people to pull off 5 years ago. It also gives you some insight into what is trending and relevant in today’s world.

With a million things happening at any one moment, how do you manage your time?

I am a huge believer in having a schedule and time-blocking chunks of the day. My routine is pretty much the same everyday (for work and my personal life). The details of what I am doing may change, just like a real estate transaction, but the core is the same.

What is something you’re really proud of? Why?

Probably the fact that back in 2008 I decided to take a leap and shoot a video. And not just a video but an actual movie on a listing. This was back before any of us knew how to shoot video on anything. I wanted to be different. I wanted to stand out. I wanted to give our clients the best chance of success on selling their home (which they tried to do several times before they met me). We had no idea of what we were doing or how to cut or edit the video but it was one of the most critical “ah ha” moments in my real estate career.

What’s the best and worst thing about getting older?

Worst – The fact that you are getting older and realizing that you can not control time.
Best – You truly realize who your tribe is over time. The people that stick with you, love you no matter what and want to do time with you. You also realize that life is full of moments with people (not things).  And every moment is what you make of it and is irreplaceable.

How do you relax?
Ever since I was a kid I have loved the ocean. I am not sure why because my parents really do not love the water. I mean my Mom does not know how to swim? But at an early age, they got us all into swim lessons and started taking us to the beach. In Orange County, I love to relax (in the afternoon) on any beach and watch the sunset.

What kind of projects would you like to do more of?
I think there is a huge need in our industry for true camaraderie, especially in leadership. CEO’s helping CEO’s navigate the waters we sail every day. Our industry is so complex and slammed with “what if’s” that it can sometimes be difficult to have a standard way of doing things. So to answer the question, I would love to be able to reach out to more CEO’s and give my time and see where I can assist and have a CEO sounding board where you can throw stuff and see if it sticks.

 What did you want to be when you were a kid?
As you know I went to medical school. So pretty much from college on that’s what I wanted to do, but life does take some interesting turns. I found out by going to medical school it truly was not my calling. It’s a long story on how I eventually landed in real estate but, for now, it is where I belong.

Why do you believe having mentors is so important?
Sometimes I think the world puts people in front of you for a reason. There are some really good people out there and these are the folks you need to cling to. When starting a business there are people who have run your race and finished the course and are willing to share their experience with you. Whether they take on the role of “mentor” or simply “friend” it is these opportunities that make you and your business better. No one business person has all the answers, it is humanly impossible.

What gets you fired up/energized?
It has become a trend that most people in our industry will do the least amount of work possible, put in the least amount of time and try to have the biggest rewards. Our team has become know in Orange County as the cleanup kids (and we are not kids anymore). But basically, when a listing does not sell due to over promises and under delivery, we get the call. This is not a business where your brothers, daughters, next-door neighbors dog sitter who just got licensed should be navigating the sale of someone’s most valuable asset should come into place to save x%. So coming into a listing that has not sold, charging the same amount and delighting our clients is what gets me the most fired up. We recently took a listing that had been listed 5x by 5 of the top brokers in Orange County and we sold it for full price. We truly care and every single listing matters.

Original Post via https://alyssahellman.com/blog/10-questions-with-raj-qsar

Top 8 Tips for ICLV 2019

Inman Connect Las Vegas.

Bigger. Better. Bolder.

Author: Raj Qsar, The Boutique Real Estate Group

1. Make a list of the people you want to meet “in real life.” Connect is an amazing time to solidify some of those online relationships and connect with people who you admire and respect and make that true emotional connection. Some of the connections I have made at Connect have become lifelong friends of mine. They are the ones I call when I need advice, encouragement or just a plain old kick in the tush! Remember this quote from Brene Brown â€œWhat we know matters, but who we know matters more.”  Some of my favorite folks include who can show you the ropes at Inman include: Vanessa Jones Bergmark, Sara Sutachan, Seth Price, Andrew Flachner, Alyssa Hellman, Lynn Johnson, Rob Hahn, Laura BradyChris Smith, Jimmy Mackin, Leigh Brown, Bill Lublin, Celeste Starchild, Katie Lance, Debra Trappen, Valerie Garcia, Joe Schutt, Jay Thompson, Heather Elias, Laura Monroe, Teri Conrad, Audie Chamberlain, Joe Rand, Wendy Forsythe, Sam DeBord, Seth O’Bryne, Jason Cassity, Caroline Pinal, Troy Palmquist & Veronica Figueroa, and so many others….

2.  Attend & be present in as many sessions as you can possibly attend! DO NOT MISS ANYTHING. Specifically, look for the sessions that pull you out of your comfort zone and will challenge you on a personal & professional level. See the full schedule here and meet the speakers here. This year catch Molly Bloom on the main stage sharing the story of “the most exclusive high stakes underground poker game in the world.” 😮

Bonus: Please do not miss CAR’s #womanup on Tuesday at 2pm with Sara Sutachan, Leslie Appleton Young & Debra Trappen. See the full lineup here.

3. Have you joined the Inman Coast to Coast Facebook Group? If not join here for all the latest posts, connections and updates. Hashtag is #ICLV

4.  The Party after the Party! Do I need to say anymore? This is VEGAS! Text “PARTY” to 415-818-1555 (thanks Jessie) to find out about all the parties, after-parties and events at #ICLV. We all know the real fun starts after midnight! So just ask around, jump in an Uber (download app here) or Lyft (download app here) and find out where the action is. Check your email for last-minute invites to all the happening VIP parties and events. If you still can not find the party make sure to DM Joe Schutt or Laurie Weston Davis (they will steer you in the right direction, I promise). If you are looking for the top-secret karaoke party then there is only one name you should know 👉🏼  Notorious.

5. Lobbycon! You have heard all the rumors and it is true! You will find everyone in The Aria’s Lobby Bar (open until 2am) and this is the spot where you will meet the CEO’s, Founders, Presidents, movers & shakers all just “hanging out.” Bring your selfie stick & business cards and make sure to say hi. BTW, when is the next time you will be in the same hotel with folks like Brad Inman, Sherry Chris, Sharran Shrivatsaa, Rich Barton, Glenn Kellman, Robert Refkin, Glenn Sanford, Ryan Gorman, Eric Wu, James Dwiggins, Joel Singer, Leslie Appleton Young & Josh Team.

6.  Get out of the hotel! VEAGS is an amazing city with sights, sounds, history and killer food! Check out this list of The Best Restaurants in Las Vegas via Thrillist. Then catch a show! Or check out some of the worlds best clubs or pool parties. Jump in a helicopter over the grand canyon or do the superman zipline over vegas. Also, everyone loves a good speakeasy and they are all the rage now in Vegas. Here is a great list to tackle.

7. Stay fit and drink a ton of water. It will be over 100 degrees the whole week we are in Vegas and you will be eating, drinking & sitting in a lot of sessions.  Please make sure to stay mentally & physically fit at the hotel gym, or find the local SoulCycle, OrangeTheory, CrossFit Gym, TopGolf or 24 hour fitness. If you are still alive midweek there is a group hitting SoulCycle at The Wynn on Wednesday morning at 7am.

8. Ambassadors. These are the ones who will lead us through the first ICLV. Joe Schutt & Laure Weston Davis have been “in charge” of this program for years now and if you have a question about anything ICLV these are the folks to ask. Have you met them? If not connect with them here.

🔥If you made it this far and are headed to #ICLV please find me in one of the sessions, lobbycon or at one of the after-parties. I would love to connect with you and hear your story.

Raj Qsar, The Boutique Real Estate Group, www.TheBoutiqueRE.com





Hello Stranger / Goodbye Friend – Volume 3 – Raj Qsar / February 12, 2019 by Keith Saarloos

You can not make this stuff up! If you have 60 minutes then please hit the play button. If you know Keith Saarloos or Raj Qsar you will not want to miss this epic LOVE FEST! Two guys who are doing something they are NOT supposed to be doing. I will personally call this episode Passion in a Bottle Part 2.

The stories. The passion. The love.

Strategies from the Best Creators of Real Estate Listing Videos

Raj Qsar

The Boutique Real Estate Group | Brea, CA

When you watch Raj’s videos, you feel like you’re watching a mini film.  He includes actors and uses a professional video crew.  The goal of each film is not to show you every single little detail of the home, but to help you feel attached to the home by telling a story.  By the end of each listing video, you want to live the life of the actors in the video.  They’re luxurious and they’re adventurous.  EACH VIDEO GIVES YOU A SENSE OF WHAT LIFE COULD BE LIKE IN THE HOME.  This sets Raj apart.


Top 100 Real Estate Slogans In 2018

We were recently recognized as #14 of Property Spark’s top 100 Real Estate Slogans in 2018!

Top 100 Real Estate Slogans In 2018

These remarkably talented real estate agents and brokerages have summed up their real estate value in a few words. Here are the best real estate slogans for 2018.

A good real estate slogan is important for professional or personal branding and creates an emotional connection with potential clients. It can help you stand out in a crowd and set you apart from everyone else. We have gathered the best real estate slogans from the top professionals in the industry. Below, we present to you the Top 100 Real Estate Slogans In 2018!

Via https://propertyspark.com/top-100-real-estate-slogans/


Top 100 Real Estate Slogans In 2018

#100: Illustrated Properties

“Our Roots Run Deep”

#99: Hawai’i Life Real Estate Brokers

“Hawai’i Real Estate Lives Here.”

#98: Team Koki

“Koki is the Key, Your Key to Real Estate”

#97: Jennifer Saavedra

“List. Rent. Invest…with us!”

#96: The Jamie Hering Team

“Just Ask Jamie”

#95: Andrew Scherl


#94: Luna Ge

“If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.”

#93: Darren Wilford

“Your Real Estate Wealth Strategist. When your wealth matters, your strategy counts!”

#92: Wendi Cornell

“Ready to Sell? Call Team Cornell!”

#91: Anita Sharma Turner


#90: Jeanne Johnston-Sanders

“Solution Minded, Positive Results!”

#89: Katrina Lewis

“Raise your standards, Exceptional service, Unprecedented Luxury Living, Closing Deals in Heels..Katrina Lewis”

#88: Bernadette Metts

“We are Red Hot and Cutting Edge!!”

#87: Ben Caballero

“Realtor Marketing for Homebuilders Made Easy”

#86: Brett Jennings

“Go BIG or go homeless”

#85: Gilbert Gallegos

“Dream. Search. Live”

#84: Chen Liang

“Home is a place where you can be you.”

#83: Vincent & Lisa Archibeque

“The Archibeque Group – where clients are like family – come join our family.”

#82: Colin Whitenack

“Live where you love”

#81: Dolly Rivero

“Professionalism and trust, Hire Elite KY Homes to bring you results”

#80: Emily Kozloski Foebar

“Real Estate with an Equestrian Perspective…”

#79: Chris Duke

“Turning transactions into relationships”

#78: Jeff Scislow

“The Name You Know”

#77: Nathan Galloway

“More than a Realtor”

#76: The Stanco-Misiti Team

“The Next Generation of Real Estate”

#75: The Noble Black

“Extraordinary Reach. Extraordinary Results”

#74: Mike Murphy

“Delivering the Very Best in All Facets of Real Estate, Because you Deserve No Less”

#73: Melanie Piche

“No BS. No fridge magnets. No broken promises.”

#72: Brenda Barajas

“Results that will move you.”

#71: Eric Rollo

“Authentic Local Experience. Authentic Global Results.”

#70: Lauri Lansdale

“Have a Smooth Sale with Lauri Lansdale”

#69: Carrie McCormick

“Live where you are Inspired”

#68: Chelsea Holden

“Your Laid-Back Realtor”

#67: Melissa Vasic & Tawnya McVicker

“Integrity, service, commitment. Your trust is the heart of our business”

#66: Mike Nichols

“Downtown, In Town, Around Town.”

#65: Heidi Harris

“We do the hustle so you don’t have the hassle”

#64: Chase Olsen

“Better Service | Better Marketing | Better Results”

#63: Harry Page

“Team Aggressive specializes in helping families”

#62: Vikram Deol

“Speed to lead. The winner in this game gets to all their leads before the competition.”

#61: Michael Hickman

“Lifestyle is Where it Begins”

#60: Carol Staab

“Pick the broker who will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear!”

#59: Maxim Shtraus

“Selling A Lifestyle, Not Just Real Estate”

#58: Fernando Branco

“Working by referral. Let me help you find a home too!!”

#57: The Meldrum Knybel Real Estate Group

“The Meldrum Knybel Real Estate Group, We Sell Homes!”

#56: Olga Ribardo

“Service as unique as the properties I sell”

#55: Podley Properties

“Your Next Chapter Starts Here”

#54: Zak Bushey

“Is Yours Next?”


#53: Judi A. Desiderio

“The Power of Deep Roots”

#52: Carrie Nenonen

“Selling St. Louis since 2001!”

#51: Katia Samson

“We Sell The Sud-Ouest✨”

#50: Roosevelt Mompremier

“We’ve got you covered!”

#49: Kristine Cuddy

“Keeping the Real in Real Estate”

#48: Shannon Milligan

“We Take Care of Everything”

#47: Wes Stoyanov

“Our Expertise Your Lifestyle”

#46: Real

“Your Success is Real’s Mission”

#45: Jordanna Moskal

“Let’s Make It Happen!”

#44: Gina Tufano

“Unlock the possibilities”

#43: Jared Anthony

“Serving Real Estate Realness”

#42: Gabe Mendez

“I’m That Realtor They Told You To Ask For”

#41: Harrison Beacher

“Negotiation in real estate transaction is all about leverage, Understand who has it and who knows they have it.”

#40: Nur Koseoglu

“Don’t trust your online home value estimates, your home is worth more! Find out how”

#39: Joshua Baris

“Bar is Raised for Real Estate!®”

#38: James Silver

“We never stop work for you!”

#37: Faith Hope Consolo

“You Need Faith”

#36: Rich Jackson

“Real Estate Rich, helping people establish a foundation to wealth through real estate”

#35: Mike McCann

“Mike McCann ‘The Real Estate Man’”

#34: Cristina Grossu

“It Only Takes ONE”

#33: Mike Bottaro

“Before You Schedule to Show, Call Bo”

#32: Gea Elika

“The better way to buy real estate”

#31: Cecilia Sherrard

“Loving What I Do Since 2002! Thinking Of Buying Or Selling A Home? Think: YouShouldOwn!”

#30: Greef Properties Christie’s

“Where it Counts”

#29: Chris & Stephanie Somers

“Real Dreams – Real People – Real Estate”

#28: Quinn Lawrence

“Where you live is my business.”

#27: Dolly Lenz

“Client Focused. Results Driven.™â€

#26: Kate Bradway Rahn


#25: Dusty Baker

“Santa Barbara’s Premier Real Estate Professional”

#24: Leigh Brown


#23: Pacific Union

“Local Real Estate / Marketed Internationally”

#22: Exit Realty

“A Smart Move!”

#21: Stribling & Associates

“The Right Broker Makes all the Difference”

#20: ERA Real Estate

“Always There for You”

#19: New Story

“A home changes everything”

#18: Halton Pardee + Partners

“We Are Life Changers”

#17: eXp Realty

“The Agent Owned Cloud Brokerage”

#16: Austin Frangoules

“The Realtor who goes above and beyond for all”

#15: Jeffrey S. Detwiler

“Defined by Service & Expertise”

#14: Raj Qsar

“Our Passion is People What’s Yours?”

#13: Saunders & Associates

“A Higher Form of Realty”

#12: Rodeo Realty

“Local Expertise, Global Presence”

#11: Bond Real Estate


#10: The Altman Brothers

“The Difference”

#9: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices

“Good to Know”

#8: Sothebey’s International Realty

“Luxury Real Estate: Redefined”

#7: Compass

“Let us Guide You Home”

#6: Douglas Elliman

“Ask Elliman”

#5: Corcoran Group

“Live Who You Are”

#4: RE/MAX

“Above the Crowd”

#3: Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

“Expect Better”

#2: Coldwell Banker

“Where Dreams Come Home”

#1: Century21

“Real Estate for Your World”

2018’s Best Real Estate Slogans & Taglines

When it comes to personal or team branding, a great real estate slogan can help set you apart from the crowd. Sure, your logo was designed by a pro, your website looks amazing, and you toiled over your latest business card. Can you sum up your real estate value in 4 words or less?

The amazingly talented agents, teams, and brokerages on this list have…

That’s why we chose them as having the best real estate slogans and taglines for 2018.


The Boutique Real Estate

1.“Our Passion is People, What’s Yours?”

The Boutique Real Estate Group

Another Los Angeles startup, Raj Qsar’s the Boutique has competitors that might make lesser brokers run for the hills. (Just not the Beverly Hills).

In order to help his brokerage stand out, Raj focused on branding that is friendly, and accessible, but still ticks all the boxes that well heeled homeowner’s and buyers need from their agents.

Their slogan manages to convey their dedication to service, but also highlights their focus on relationships rather than deals. An attractive proposition for people who may be less than excited to work with your typical stuffy luxury brokerage.


Town and Country Real Estate The Hamptons

2. “The Power of Deep Roots”

Town and Country Real Estate The Hamptons

Let’s face it. Local knowledge is important to be successful in any region of the country, but in places like New York’s Hamptons, it’s absolutely crucial.

That’s why with 65 years of combined East End real estate experience, Town and Country Real Estate Hamptons highlighted their local roots in their tagline. It just works.

On other hand, as deep as the upper crust roots of the Hamptons go, it’s still ostensibly a relaxed beach town. Albeit one with a Gucci store… That means a softer edge than the hard charging Manhattan real estate cliche makes perfect sense here.

That’s why I love T&C’s other tagline: ‘The Hamptons Are Our Boardroom”. It manages to bring together business acumen and the laid back vibe a beach town offers vacationers.


3. “Move to What Moves You”

Along with their new (and amazing) rebranding, Halstead has some creative and effective real estate slogans. From the ‘Our Agent of Change Will Move You” tagline in our featured image to ‘Move What Moves You” it’s abundantly clear that Halstead too the time, energy, and money to build a brand that will last as long as Halstead has.

With their new branding, Halstead is walking the same fine line between timeless luxury and up-to-the-second instagram worthy cool that characterizes so many great brands today.

Halton Pardee+ Partners

4. ‘We Are Life Changers”

Halton Pardee+ Partners

Having risen from a humble background to become the number one sales team in Los Angeles, and number two team in California, Halton Pardee founder Tami Pardee knows a thing or two about changing lives.

That’s why I love that they’re using this tagline for their branding efforts online. What better way to help change someone’s life then counsel them on getting a great new place to live?

New Story

5. “A home changes everything”

New Story 
Founded by Y Combinator Alum Brett Hagler, New Story builds homes for those in need around the globe. Amazingly, New Story promises that every penny of your donation will be used to build homes.

With support from Docusign, Sotheby’s International, and Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, New Story has enough real estate bonafides to go along with their slogan to make this list.

Since you all witness the joy that a new home brings you clients, imagine how much joy a new home might bring to someone without adequate shelter…

Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

6. “Expect Better”

Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

Sadly when it comes to real estate the bar for customer service quality is set very low. In many cities, the number of mediocre or even dishonest agents and brokerages sometimes outnumbers the good ones.

“Expect Better” speaks to that issue, and even adds an aspirational element for people who had just okay experiences with other brokerages. What if your real estate experience could have been ever better?

Dolly lenz

7.“Client Focused. Results Driven.™â€

Dolly lenz 
In the world of New York City real estate, Dolly lenz stands alone. Sure, there are a ton of “million dollar” brokers strutting down Park Avenue staring at their iphones, but Dolly Lenz has been doing it longer and better than all of them.

As you might imagine, here real estate slogan is about as good as they get. She manages to convey both her team’s dedication to clients, as well as their passion for closing. No easy feat, especially in 4 short words.

Ben Cabellero homesusa.com

8.“Realtor Marketing for Homebuilders Made Easy”

Ben Cabellero homesusa.com

When your market is multi billion home builders like Toll Brothers, your taglines need to spell out what benefits you’re providing them. In Ben’s case, he boiled it down to what every single corporate bigwig wants more than anything else: simplicity.

Massive companies are almost always bogged down by complexity, so coming right out and offering them an incredibly valuable service, that’s easy is an offer almost too good to resist.

This might be part of the reason Ben Cabellero was recently named the Realtor to be added to the Guinness book of world records for most homes sold in one year; and astonishing 3,556 homes closed last year!


View Original Article Here

Top 30 Real Estate Brokerages On Social Media in 2018

Top 30 Real Estate Brokerages On Social Media in 2018
 Via propertyspark.com

These real estate brokerages are reaching thousands of people by using the power of social media.

Before, going into the list, we would like to say that these real estate brokerages do not have to be our clients, subscribers or followers.

Furthermore, we did not solicit any real estate brokerages before the research or writing of the lists.

Here’s how the Real Estate Brokerages are selected:

Initial Research on Real Estate Brokerages

We looked at hundreds of popular Real Estate Brokerages across North America. We found these real estate brokerages through different mediums including:

• Google
• Bing
• Facebook Search
• Instagram Search
• Twitter Search

Inclusions and Ranking (Objective Data)

Once we had our list of popular real estate brokerages. We looked at objective data regarding the real estate brokerages’ social media presence, including the following:

• Facebook Page Likes
• Instagram Followers
• Twitter Followers

• Facebook Post likes, comments, shares and views (for videos)
• Instagram Post likes and comments
• Twitter favorites and retweets

Inclusions and Ranking (Subjective Data)

Finally, we make sure that all the real estate brokerages who made the final 30 have a great social media presence based on subjective variables, including the following:

• Brand image (quality of graphic design, pictures, videos)
• Value of content (how useful the content is to followers)
• Content mix (the mix of different types of posts)

With that being said, let’s get into the top list! Enjoy!

#30: SelectRE Boston – Real Estate Brokerage Firm

Do you want a brokerage that’s a 100% honest with you, who knows the ins and outs of the Boston real estate, and someone who instantly responds back to your inquiries? Well, look no further and say hello to SelectRE Boston. One thing we admire about them is their Facebook page. They update it each day with articles or new listings. If you like what you see, don’t be hesitant to contact them!

#29: The Keyes Company

The Keyes Company is a real estate company that possesses a sea of information based on real estate. They believe that their business is more than just about real estate and treat all of their clients like their family. Their goal is to meet all of their clients’ real estate wants and needs and to make sure to do just that for each one of them! Check out their social media pages and you won’t regret it!

#28: Hatch Realty

Hatch Realty is a real estate brokerage you should check out, especially if you live in North Dakota. For the people who have used Hatch Realty’s services, they have been nothing less than pleased, and this shows on their Facebook page, which has 146 5-star ratings out of 149 total reviews. Check out Hatch Realty on all of their social media accounts now!

#27: Nexus Realty International

Providing quality representation in residential and commercial real estate, Nexus Realty International is known for their great customer service team and sales team all over the globe. They actively update their pages with new posts/content. Who knows, maybe you’ll find your dream home with them.

#26: Gad Realty NYC – A New York Real Estate Brokerage

Gad Realty NYC is not only a top real estate brokerage but a unique brokerage as well. Gad Realty operates in New York City and is multilingual with its agents being fluent in Chinese, English, French, Hebrew, Italian, and Spanish. They also offer career advice and tips, along with blogs on their website and decor services for apartments. Check out Gad Realty NYC!

#25: Cityscape

From Toronto, Ontario in Canada, Cityscape is a top brokerage on social media. Cityscape has over 50 years of experience in the business and you should check out their social media for promos, blogs and other resources which can also be accessed from their mobile app.

#24: Pacific Union Real Estate

Pacific Union Real Estate is an established brokerage that believes in providing their clients with international reach. They have over 1,700 real estate agents service clients everywhere. If you want to see some aesthetically pleasing photos of homes, check out their social media pages!

#23: Howard Hanna New York

Being around since 1957, Howard Hanna New York has grown exponentially even being listed as one of the largest real estate brokerages back in 2015. Being an established real estate firm for almost 60 years, they have been able to quickly grasp how to market effectively using social media. They’ve accumulated a total following of over 180,00 people on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Judging by this, they aren’t newbies to social media.

#22: City Living Detroit

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home, City Living Detroit has the experience and expertise to handle all of your real estate wants and needs. Their mission is to utilize the skills and knowledge possessed by their team of real estate professionals to the best of their ability and to assist other in the process. They are a great team to work with and you can see this on their social media pages!

#21: EWM Realty International

EWM Realty International was founded in 1964 and has been selling some of Florida’s most gorgeous real estate properties. Their team consists of true professionals who understand the real estate trends in Florida like no other. Professionalism, excellence and integrity are just some of the amazing qualities which they are recognized for, as well as their social media presence!

#20: Royal LePage Canada

Royal LePage Canada is one of, if not Canada’s most popular real estate brokerage with an organization of over 17,000 real estate agents. They have a very resourceful website that contains real estate news, reports, surveys and more to keep you updated with real estate business in Canada. Check out Royal LePage on social media if you’re interested in purchasing or selling a home in Canada.

#19: ERA Real Estate

Go check out ERA Real Estate’s Facebook! They update us with constant content about everything from videos, blogs, photos and more. You will surely be inspired to purchase in New Jersey after visiting their social media pages.

#18: Beycome

Beycome is a real estate company in Miami, Florida. They make it possible to list homes on the same sites real estate agents use, even if you are selling privately. They are great at updating their followers about their improvements and accomplishments frequently on social media. They really expand your outreach when selling your own home.

#17: The Canadian Real Estate Association

Although not a brokerage but an association, The Canadian Real Estate Association represents more than 100,000 real estate agents across Canada. CREA is an important organization that connects real estate agents from coast to coast and connects agents with clients from all across the country. They are leaders in the social media world as they have over 47,000 followers in total. This is the way to go!

#16: Cushman & Wakefield

The Cushman & Wakefield team is a team of dedicated and passionate real estate agents that strive to create a positive impact in their clients’ lives by providing them with an amazing and unforgettable real estate experience. They aim to be a responsible partner to their clients. Their experience, devotion and love for their career makes them an awesome candidate for when you’re looking to purchase real estate.

#15: Houlihan Lawrence

With gorgeous photos of residential properties, Houlihan Lawrence’s social media accounts should definitely be on your following list. We are sure once you start following them, you won’t be able to get your eyes off the beautiful home interior photos they have on their Facebook feed!

#14: BOND New York Real Estate

BOND New York Real Estate is one of the largest real estate companies in New York. Their Facebook feed consists of intriguing real estate related blogs and Instagram feed offers absolutely beautiful pictures of homes and condos in New York. They’re social media pages are definitely pages you don’t want to miss out on. So, what are you waiting for?

#13: La Rosa Realty

With nearly 100,000 followers on social media and being one of the top 75 Residential Real Estate firms in the United States, La Rosa Realty must be doing something right! Their social media pages are all about highlighting their agents, giving you an inside look at what happens in the company and inspirational posts, which are guaranteed to get you inspired.

#12: HUD Homes USA

With thousands of followers on social media, you know HUD Homes USA are social media experts. Based in the gorgeous Agoura Hills, California, their feed is quite patriotic to say the least!

#11: William Raveis Real Estate, Mortgage & Insurance

What’s unique about William Raveis is their detailed property listings that include all the information you would need about a property. Their listings are not only detailed, but also absolutely breathtaking. That’s why their social media pages should certainly be checked out.

#10: Cervera Real Estate

Cervera Real Estate is a Florida based family owned and operated real estate company. Their real estate agents are professional, knowledgeable and hard working! They are known for selling some of the most stunning real estate in South Florida and have also managed to sell over 50,000 units. If that’s not amazing then we don’t know what is! Check their social media pages out!

#9: The Boutique Real Estate Group

The Boutique Real Estate Group have thousands of followers on social media, and their feed is filled with ethereal and unreal photos of properties in California. They promise to give the best service to all of their clients and have won a number of awards as real estate influencers, and we totally admire that!

#8: RE/MAX

With over 276,000 followers, RE/MAX is an extremely popular real estate brokerage and if you haven’t already visited their social media pages, you’re missing out. RE/MAX operates worldwide and has been one of the top brokerages in the US and Canada since 1999 and also serves internationally. Check out RE/MAX’s website for more information!

#7: Keller Williams Realty

Keller Williams Realty is a popular and well known real estate real estate company that works towards providing clients with easy and stress free real estate experiences. The company began in 1983, so they definitely know what they’re doing when it comes to real estate. They also have a popular social media page which is followed by over 100,000 followers!

#6: Coldwell Banker Real Estate

The legendary brokerage Coldwell Banker is over 100 years old and is one of the top brokerages with over 385,000 followers on social media. Coldwell Banker’s services have been excellent and several top real estate agents from our previous blogs have in fact been a part of this brokerage. Coldwell Banker also has well designed websites for their main page, and their luxury real estate page which you should check out for listings and glamorous properties.

#5: Magnolia Realty

Magnolia Realty delivers stunning professional photos, directing you to dream like properties. These homes in Waco, Texas are jaw-dropping, from massive pools to lavish kitchens. Take a look at what Magnolia Realty has to offer today!

#4: The Agency

The Agency is a full-service, luxury real estate brokerage company that represents clients worldwide. They are both well known and well liked by many. Their mission is to revamp and advance the experience of buying and selling real estate through collaboration, innovation, and integrity. Their team is professional and hardworking which is why they are so great at what they do!

#3: Douglas Elliman

Douglas Elliman is the fourth largest real estate company in the United States. This company has a huge following on their Instagram and Facebook pages with posts of stunning property listings, blogs and company accomplishments. Their social media pages are definitely worth checking out!

#2: Redfin

Whether you’re buying or selling a house, Redfin is the smart way to go. They incorporate great features for users buying a house, making the buyer’s life easy with listings being update every 10 minutes. If you prefer a one on one experience with a real estate agent, that’s possible too. Having an enormous following on social media, you can definitely say they are the experts you’ve been looking for!

#1: Century 21

Century 21 is a global real estate company that owns approximately 7,100 franchised broker offices worldwide. They’re actively working to improve and increase their presence in the market to make themselves prominent worldwide. The company is dedicated to provide clients with the highest quality services and always make sure to satisfy. They have over 560,000 followers on social media, which crowns them the #1 spot as the top brokerage on social media!

We hope you enjoyed our list of the Top 30 Real Estate Brokerages On Social Media in 2018!

Giveback Homes Welcomes 2018 Advocates — Raj Qsar

Owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group honored for his commitment to safe housing for all

Manhattan Beach, C.A., April 24, 2018 — The housing crisis is a growing issue, not just for the United States but for the world. Giveback Homes, real estate’s social good movement, today names Raj Qsar, Principal and Owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group in Orange County, California, as a 2018 Advocate for Social Good. This distinction is given to prominent individuals within the real estate community who have demonstrated their commitment to giving back and pursuing the goal of safe and secure housing for all, and are eager to do more.

“We started Giveback Homes because we saw the opportunity to bring a focus on social good to real estate,” said Blake Andrews, founder of Giveback Homes. “Through the years, we’ve found a tribe of real estate professionals who are going above and beyond in their communities and the world and the Giveback Homes Advocate program will aim to mobilize them even more. They will also help shape the future of Giveback Homes.”

The Advocate program is a select group of Giveback Homes members who each had to apply by describing what the future of Giveback Homes looked like to them. Some of their answers included, educational seminars about home ownership, meeting with Congress, referral programs, and partnering with more non-profits. The Advocates are dedicated to amplifying Giveback Homes initiatives, promoting new membership opportunities, and leading initiatives in their community.  The Advocates will meet once a quarter to strategize on social good projects and mobilize other industry professionals through their engagement.

As the Principal and Owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group, Raj Qsar is known for his marketing innovation, use of technology and commitment to excellence in all aspects of the real estate experience. In 2017 Raj & The Boutique were awarded The Real Estate Influencer of The Year by Inman News, Most Innovative Brokerage, REAL Trends Finalist for Best Overall Website and the #1 Real Estate Video Influencer Award. As a national and international speaker, Raj travels the world and has taken the stage at some of the most prestigious real estate conferences. He has participated in multiple build days and fundraising events for Giveback Homes. “My team and I just love Giveback Homes,” added Raj. “They’ve helped us give back both locally and globally and I look forward to helping them continue on their mission as a social good movement in real estate.”

“Raj and The Boutique Real Estate Group are a very special group of people,” said Caroline Pinal, co-founder of Giveback Homes. “Raj is systematic when it comes to sharing the Giveback Homes story with his agents, clients, and other brokerages. We are so excited to name him as one of our Advocates. ”

Giveback Homes mobilizes the real estate industry to provide safe homes and clean water to families in need. Giveback Homes has provided safe and secure homes for over 200 families in Nicaragua, 50 affordable housing projects in the U.S., and water filters to give over 5,000 people access to clean drinking water. The company has mobilized funds for times of crisis in the wake of hurricanes, wildfires, and other natural disasters. Through volunteer experiences, fundraising events, and impact reporting, Giveback Homes empowers the real estate community to take an active role in making the world a better place. To learn more, please visit GivebackHomes.com.

About Giveback Homes

Giveback Homes is dedicated to creating a sustainable relationship between real estate professionals, their clients, and communities in need throughout the world. Their goal is to create social change through the act of buying or selling a home. Through fundraising events, build days, and international trips they are dedicated to inspiring the real estate industry to take action for social good. Together with their giving partners, Giveback Homes has funded and built over 200 homes for families in need in Nicaragua. To learn more about Giveback Homes and join the movement for social good, please visit www.givebackhomes.com.

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