When it comes to video marketing – Raj Qsar is the king! I had the pleasure of interviewing Raj for our podcast and I loved hearing his story of how he got into real estate. The light bulb moment is really incredible (and funny too!) Raj started in real estate really at the beginning of social media in about 2006 and it’s been incredible to see how he and now his brokerage leverages the power of video marketing and social media.
We had a great conversation about what is working now for him and how social media and video has made him and his agents stand out heads and tails against the competition. We chat about Facebook and what the early days were like compared to now with Tik Tok and Instagram Reels. So much has changed but so much has stayed the same. Showing up, doing good work, being authentic and having a plan are still the name of the game!
About Raj:
Raj is the Principal/Owner of The Boutique Real Estate Group in Orange County, CA. He is also a dear friend and sought-after national speaker.
From Raj’s LinkedIn profile, “Our story goes a little something like this. Beautiful design evokes emotion. Emotion stirs the soul and creates a connection between client, agent and the home buying & selling process.”
Additional links:
- The Boutique Real Estate Group
- Connect with Raj on Instagram
- Check out lots more interviews on the podcast here
- Do you have ideas for topics for our podcast? Email me at katie@katielance.com
- Visit me at KatieLance.com for more info about my speaking, consulting, and our #GetSocialSmart Academy
- Follow me on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes into my life and business @katielance (Enjoying this podcast? Tag me on IG and let me know!)
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