0 0452-062-31-0000 Post Office Road, Lucerne Valley, CA 92356

0 beds 0 baths 435,600 sq.ft.

Offerered at: $40,000.00

County: San Bernardino
Association Fees: $0.00/mo.

Property Description

There is not an address associated with this property. What is reflected is the Parcel# 0452-062-31-0000 which is +/-10 Acres. Zoning is LV/AG. Located in Unincorporated San Bernardino County in the Lucerne Valley area. Dirt road access via Post Office Rd. The North half of the South half of the East half of Government Lot 1 of the Southwest quarter of Section 30, Township 5 North, Range 1 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, according to the official Plat thereof. Power is +/-1,257 ft away. +/-3,340 ft to pavement. There are +/-12 homes in a one mile radius surrounding the PIQ.


  • Status: Active